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The Tsubaki Chain Wear Indicators are designed to measure roller chain condition and determine critical wear. The indicator tools are made of a high quality material to withstand harsh and corrosive environments. The strong construction of the indicator tools ensures accurate measurements of the chains every time.

Detecting and measuring chain wear elongation is critical for achieving reliable operation of industrial chains. Although it is common for users to employ a tape measure or ruler, it is more effective to use a specialized tool to determine whether the chain requires replacement.

Chain Wear Indicating Kits Include:
  • 5 Chain Wear Measuring Tools
  • Chain Wear Indicator Guide
  • Roller Diameter Wear Gage
  • Width Measuring Tool
Unidade de medida



N/A Padrão ANSI

Tamanhos das ferramentas

N/A 35-80

Código UPC

N/A 097039128324