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LAMBDA for corrosion resistance
  • Operates in temperatures up to 302°F
  • Ideal for mildly corrosive environments
  • Long-lasting and lube-free

1. Drive and Conveyor series LAMBDA chains cannot be intercoupled or interchanged.
2. The heavy roller link plates on Drive Lambda slightly increase the width, which means Drive LAMBDA connecting links are required.
3. Connecting links for RSD80NP-LAMBDA to RSD140NP-LAMBDA have cottered pins.
Unit of Measure



N/A 140

Standard Type of Pin

N/A Riveted

P - Pitch

N/A 1.750 in

R - Roller Diameter

N/A 1.000 in
W - Width Between Roller Link Plates1 N/A 0.974 in

Average Tensile Strength

N/A 48500 lb

Maximum Allowable Load

N/A 7720 lb

Link Plate

T1 - PLP Thickness

N/A 0.220 in

T2 - RLP Thickness

N/A 0.252 in

H - RLP Height

N/A 1.661 in

h - PLP Height

N/A 1.433 in

Pin Specifications


N/A 0.500 in


N/A 1.091 in


N/A 1.268 in


N/A 2.508 in
  • 1 Width between roller link plates (W) is slightly narrower than ANSI standard, however this chain runs on standard sprockets.